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31-33 months-4 years
$300 weekly rate
Our preschool room is an amazing place filled with learning, fun, love, and kindness.  We do circle time, curriculum, projects, free play, structured play, singing, dancing, reading, writing, coloring, outdoor play, and so much more.  The kids and families love our preschool room!
We utilize multiple spaces throughout the day to encourage different approaches and to help focus the curriculum for the older preschoolers.  We use Funshine Express Curriculum and change our curriculum themes weekly.  We are always adding helpful things into our days and taking away things that don't work.
We find it very important at this age to continue to let the kids play.  We do use this time to encourage positive interactions, building relationships with other kids, manners, and kindness.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about our preschool room.
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